Guaranteeing the availability of skilled workers
The long-term availability of skilled workers and managers is a major requirement for the success of our companies. However, the number of people of working age will significantly decline in the coming years.
At the same time, the increasing demands on the qualification of skilled workers impedes the merger of supply and demand on the job market. Even today, it is difficult for some companies to meet their needs for skilled workers, while numerous (unskilled) job seekers have few perspectives.
Through our activities, we have the goal of better using the potential already available in the region in the future. Better, more precise qualifications for youths is crucial for this (such as Schule 4.0 [School 4.0]), as is the support of young people when selecting an occupation, as well as support for bringing them together with employers from the region (such as through vocational training fairs or dialogues about medium-sized companies).
Retaining the graduates of both institutes of higher education in the region is an important matter. In addition to the quality of life in the West Palatinate, an important requirement to also keep highly-qualified skilled workers in the area is the existence of attractive jobs at attractive employers. Therefore, we let businesses in the West Palatinate know how they can best situate themselves.
Selected projects:
- Vocational training and job fairs
- The Attraktive Arbeitgeber [Attractive Employers] initiative
- Dialogues about medium-sized companies
- Pro Fachkraft Pirmasens [Pro Skilled Workers Pirmasens]
- Schule 4.0
- MINT-Region Westpfalz [MINT region West Palatinate]