Become a member!
A number of people, associations, businesses and municipalities are already members of ZukunftsRegion Westpfalz e.V. [FutureRegion Westpfalz]. We would be happy to also have you as a new member of our organisation sometime soon!
Become a member, starting at 100 euros a year! Membership fee scale
Your membership fee is a valuable foundation for the work of our organisation and we also gladly accept donations. In addition to our membership fee, to finance organisation activities, your active support is the decisive element for the success of our initiative! Help to expand our network and reach our goals. Charter
By joining the organisation, you receive the chance to actively shape the future of our region. Get to know the decision-makers in our region and include your ideas. Find supporters and fellow campaigners. Use our network and our project support!
Join us because together we're even stronger! Membership application
Please note that all linked documents above are available only in German. If you need assistance with understanding them or filling in, please e-mail our office. ( ).