

Together with the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences and the Pirmasens Testing and Research Institute, we were able to successfully qualify for the concept phase in mid-2020 as part of the BMBF funding program "WIR - Change through Innovations in the Region". The BMBF made 250,000 euros available for this, which could be used to create temporary positions at all three partners.

As a result of the nine-month work, we submitted a concept for a regional funding program in May 2021 under the title "Waste2Value - Microorganisms change the West Palatinate" and prevailed over the nationwide competition. In the initial three-year implementation phase, we have been responsible for innovation management since January 1, 2022. The aim is to allocate up to €8 million to innovation projects in the region by the end of 2024. The funds are to be used to trigger a growth and innovation impetus in the area of plastics and adhesives, in particular by incorporating microbiological processes to convert waste and residual materials into biobased basic materials. New, promising and sustainable products are the goal.

The special thing about Waste2Value is the combination of traditional skills from the shoe and textile industry in areas such as adhesives and plastics with industrial biotechnology, which has been established at various research institutions in the region in recent years. The aim is to develop processes “from biowaste to bioplastics” and validate them in demonstrators. Numerous companies from the West Palatinate have already been included in the development process. More information at www.w2v-rlp.de.

Project period: since 01/2020
Project partners: University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern | PFI Pirmasens
Project Website: www.w2v-rlp.de
Project coordinator: Arne Schwöbel,